*********************************** AM/FM ***********************************     NEW VERSION OF MUSIC-X <--> MIDI CONVERSION PROGRAM !!!    The good news (1): When you purchase Music-X, there's a separate little program that comes with the package, a little conversion utility which converts music files from Standard MIDI File Format and into Music-X format; and the other way around. The bad news: This little program has quite a few bugs, and doesn't work with MIDI File Format 1 files (Which is the format of almost all MIDI files these days). The good news (2): On this AM/FM disk, you will find a NEW VERSION of the (v1.1) Music-X <--> MIDI Conversion utility, which handles MIDI File Format 1 files, AND has several bugs fixed: Correctly converts MIDI files with running status. Fixed a problem that caused certain events (such as TSIG) to be converted into END events. Fixed a problem that gave bogus "Not enough memory" messages or caused a GURU. Fixed a problem that would sometimes cause negitive delta times to be written to MIDI files. Fixed tempo conversion (previously garfed tempo value). Added CLI command line support (type "MusicX-to MIDI ?" for CLI syntax).  This new version is placed in the Public Domain by the author, Joe Pearce.   NOTE THAT FROM NOW ON; TO SAVE DISK SPACE; ONLY THE "STANDARD MIDI FILE FORMAT" WILL BE FEATURED ON AM/FM DISKS! NOW THAT YOU ALL HAVE THIS NEW VERSION OF THE MUSIC-X <--> MIDI CONVERSION UTILITY, IT IS SO EASY TO CONVERT THESE FILES, THAT WE WILL LEAVE THAT JOB UP TO YOURSELVES IN THE FUTURE. THAT WAY, WE CAN PUT TWICE AS MANY MIDI-SONGS ON EACH AM/FM ISSUE INSTEAD!  (Ed) *********************************** AM/FM ***********************************